The Rhinoceros and Elephant Argue

Cast, cut painted glass shapes wall mounted through machine stitched background made of multiple colored threads, 30x28", 2018

A story by Lafontaine is about a territorial dispute between an Elephant and a Rhinoceros.

One day the gods sent a celestial being in the form of a monkey to tend to some earthly problems. When the grand monkey swings down from the heavens each big animal thinks that now the argument will be decided in his favor.

The Monkey glances at the big guys but swings into the distance to continue surveying the region.

Finally they manage to get the attention of the monkey-god and each presents his case.

"Oh," said the monkey, "we have no interest in your contest. I'm here to find ways to alleviate a food and water distribution problem  that is troubling the ants"  leaving the big ones to their own type of suffering.